Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Homemaker CD... link

I thought I would share this, since it seems very thorough and thought out. I purchased mine already and am very excited to receive it in the mail. I feel there are some things that I already know how to do, but this may be a really special reference to new and exciting things for me to learn, as well as teach my children.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pear sauce day

Today is pear sauce day. You've definitely heard of apple sauce, but pear sauce?

3 years ago, I started making and canning pear sauce, since you can not seem to find it anywhere in the stores besides in the baby food aisle, which would cost me a small fortune! My kids prefer pears to apples any day. Maybe someday I'll have to try making plum sauce too...

I bought a bushel of pears from a local orchard last Saturday ( they actually delivered it to the Canton Farmer's Market for me!). They have been on my kitchen counter ever since, and today, the majority are ripe, so here we are today.

I use these instructions from start to finish. I use Bartlett pears, FYI.

Pears are locally in season right now, so if you would like to try this, get to your nearest pear orchard ASAP.

I am praying, that in the next few years I will have pears in my own back yard and will never have to source pears again, same with peaches also.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Let's retry this... Homemade Liquid Soap

Over a year ago, I tried making liquid "castile" soap and utterly failed. Why? Probably because I did not follow the directions. I did not want to give up a crock pot, so I tried to do it my way on the stove top. Big mistake! So, here I am again, now that my gallon of Dr. Bronner's is down to the last 16 oz, with a surrendered crock pot and a recipe I made with the soap calculator, so I could use up various bits of my soaping oil stash and the basics are rolled from the original blog post that started this challenge.

I used Silver Firs Farm's basics to make my own recipe. Also, as I said, you must surrender a crock pot for only liquid soap making, since you are using potash (also known as KOH or potassium hydroxide). If everything doesn't go as she says ( have no idea how she says it will be done in 3-4 hours...), be patient. It took from the start, 90+ minutes to get it thick, even with my hand blender, off and on, so I didn't burn the motor up. Then I needed to stir until extremely thick, which was again, on and off for an hour or so, then I stirred every 20-30 minutes on low for 4 hours, then turned it back up to high until bed time, which was 6 hours, stirring every 15 minutes, then turned it off until we got back up this morning and stirred every 15-20 minutes on high for 4 hours. It is finally done! I added the boiling water straight to the crock pot instead of needing to clean another thing. Now I just have to wait until it is dissolved to bottle it in a recycled apple cider jug and cure it for the next 4 weeks. After that, I plan on giving each member of the family their own personal bottle with a scent they want. I will use .5 oz per 16 oz of soap, in case anyone is wondering. I get soap scents from EBay and MMS.

Thursday, September 5, 2013